HYBRID operation Room

The American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) calls the Hybrid Operating Room “the operating room of the future” – and the future is now here at the Olga and Lev Leviev Heart Center.
Dr. Ehud Ra'anani, Head of the Cardiac Surgery Center believes, "This is a real breakthrough, the most significant in the field of cardiac surgery in the past 20 years. Now, our patients can be done with the different surgical procedures on the heart and blood vessels including cardiac catheterization for diagnosis and treatment, as well as open heart surgery - in one step. "
Operation room "Hybrid", which recently opened at the cardiac center of Chaim Sheba Hospital, provides a completely new option for treating patients with the most complex diseases of the cardiovascular system. The "Hybrid" operation room allows surgeons, vascular surgeons, specialists in the field of Cardiac catheterization and radiologists to work side-by-side.
This hybrid OR technology is the only one of its kind in Israel and only one of a few found in the world today. Over one million dollars were invested in its creation, and this new technology has proven to be a valuable asset in the treatment arsenal. The new hybrid module provides a level of confidence not found in similar conditions and standard ORs. This results in a higher quality of care, as during elective procedures and in emergency situations.
Cardiac catheterization and endovascular heart surgery, in recent years was a highly advanced, rapid development. Today, with a catheter, in addition to coronary angiography and coronary angioplasty, an artificial heart valve can be installed, to remove an aneurysm of the aorta in the thoracic and abdominal parts of it, and other procedures that previously required the expanded operations – can now be performed.
Leading Specialists Performing Procedures in the Hybrid Operating Room:
- Dr. Ehud Ra'anani - the Head of the Cardiac Surgery Center
- Dr. Victor Goyt - Head of Cardiac Catheterization
- Dr. Amir Segev - a leading expert in the field of cardiac catheterization
- Dr. Dani Spigelstein - an experienced specialist in the field of cardiac surgery
Operation room "Hybrid" is a professional medical complex, which satisfies two requirements at once:
- It provides higher quality treatment to the most seriously ill patients, while reducing risk to health during surgery.
- It reduces the total number of medical and surgical procedures for patients with severe and complex abnormalities, thereby reducing the total recovery time and length of stay in Intensive Care.
Thanks to modern high-tech equipment – including the most advanced radiology system created by Philips, a hemodynamic monitoring system manufactured by Medcon, as well as the renowned video system of Karl-Storz – the Hybrid OR allows the expert surgical teams to take treatment to a higher level, one never seen before in the field of cardiology.
Such equipment allows the use of advanced diagnostic techniques, including various types of CT angiography of coronary vessels and the brain, in combination with endovascular operations, micro invasive procedures, and open surgery.

The video system installed in the hybrid operating room is the most advanced in the world, allowing the team to get information from 32 independent sources. These include anesthesia monitoring in real time, monitoring surgery progression from the esophagus, ultrasound of the heart, camera fixed to the head surgeon, high-resolution camera – which is above the operating table – X-ray installation from Phillips, hemodynamic systems, endoscopes, cameras, system PACS, hospital-acquired computer system with all applications and camcorders, and videoustanovki operating mode High Definition (high resolution).
Such a video system allows for live coverage of the operating room, passing information using four optical fibers that can conduct operations “on air” during conferences, as well as consultation via the Internet with medical experts anywhere in the world.
Procedures Performed in the Hybrid OR Include:
- Transplantation of the aortic valve using a minimally invasive method. This operation is performed within the working heart – without the use of the "artificial lung" device. The performed surgery and procedures are observed in real time via of the radiological and ultrasound monitors installed inside of the esophagus.
- Correction of aortic aneurysms in the abdominal and thoracic endovascular access through the femoral or iliac artery.
- Performing shunting of large vessels of the neck using a standard surgical approach and, immediately after the bypass surgery is carried out, repair of the aneurysm or separation wall (dissection) of the aorta with stent implantation in the area of the ascending aorta and aortic arch.
- Treatment of coronary heart disease, characterized by multivessel coronary artery lesions, by performing bypass surgery anterior descending artery by microinvasive and simultaneous implantation of stents into the right coronary and / or circumflex artery.
- Perform cardiac catheterization in the presence of high risk – when you may need surgical intervention at any time.
- Treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation by a combination of catheter ablation, and epicardial ablation, accompanied by thoracoscopy.
- Implantation of pulmonary valve stem in children after correction of defects of the root pulmonary trunk without using heart-lung machine.
- Correction of complex heart defects in combination with stent placement and surgical techniques adopted.
- Stent implantation in the carotid artery affected by atherosclerosis.
- Conducting a diagnostic laparotomy (opening the abdomen by cutting the abdominal wall) in traumatic injuries, accompanied by bleeding into the abdominal cavity of unknown origin. If necessary, immediately performing abdominal angiography of arteries and pelvic cavities.
Creating an Operating Room "Hybrid" Achieves a Number of Advantages. It Allows For:
- The performance of less invasive procedures
- The reduction in the number of postoperative complications
- The reduction in hospitalization time
- More rapid postoperative recovery and convalescence
- Improvement of surgical intervention, aftercare, and long-term care
- The team to conduct surgery in complex cases, as well as elderly patients belonging to high-risk categories who are contraindicated for the passage of the standard operations
- The use of leading technologies and participation in advanced international clinical trials
Dr. Ehud Ra'anani, Head of the Cardiac Surgery Center said, "The area of operations on the heart began to grow rapidly in the 60's, 70's and 80's, and has since received remarkable results, both in the field of cardiac catheterization, and in other areas. Currently, we have witnessed the most significant breakthrough in the field of cardiac surgery, achieved through the establishment of operating room Hybrid. For years, we have dreamed of the possibilities provided by such an operating environment and had hoped that someday it would appear in the hospital. Fortunately, a strategic management decision of the medical center, and the recruitment of three sponsors, people who have a promising way of thinking – Udi Angel, Ward and Boaz Dotan, and Flour Schneiderman – allowed us to realize our dream. Now we will concentrate our efforts on preparing a new generation of doctors who can work in the hybrid operating room, utilizing all the benefits it provides. It requires the highest training and ensures our patients receive the highest level of treatment based on minimally invasive techniques. This triumphant combination of cardiac catheterization and cardiac surgery allows patients to take advantage of both areas of cardiology. "